Whippet coats
Without a coat whippets get cold pretty quickly. Occam coats are suitable for all weathers and adventures, browse here to see which coat is right for your whippet and lifestyle.

Waterproof Whippet Coat - Riley

Whippet Raincoat - Kipper

Wool Whippet Coat - Quinn

Whippet Jumper - Fluro Flint

Wool Whippet Coat - Shrimp

Waterproof Whippet Coat - Søren

Pink Whippet Jumper - Ken

Black Whippet Jumper - Flint

Grey Whippet Jumper - Flint

Whippet Fleece - Seuss

Whippet Fleece - Pink

Whippet Jumper - Flint Pink